Sunday, 24 January 2016


Student Daniel Piqueras Cantos 1º CB
Title Beethoven
Type here


Ludwig van Beethoven was born in
Bonn, Germany.

 His father, who was a singer, was his first teacher.

 After a
 even though he was still only a boy, Beethoven became 

a traveling
performer, and soon, he was supporting his family. 

his early twenties, Beethoven moved to Vienna, where he spent the rest of his

Beethoven was one of the first composers to make a living without being
employed by 

the church or a member of the nobility. At first, he was known as a
brilliant pianist. 

But when he was around 30 years old, Beethoven started going

 Even though he could no longer hear well enough to play the piano,

 Beethoven composed some of his best music after he was deaf! 

is considered one of the greatest musical geniuses who ever lived. He may be

 most famous for his nine symphonies, but he also wrote many other kinds of
music :

 choral music,  string quartets, and an opera.

Resultado de imagen de beethoven

Here you have a link  of a link of one of his compositions :



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