The Maze Runner is an American movie of science fiction, suspense and action directed by Wes Ball and based on the homonymous novel of 2009 written by James Dashner. Led by: DYLAN O´BRIEN, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter y Ki Hong Lee. The movie begins with a boy (Dylan O'Brien) inside an elevator in ascent.
On having come to the top part, it is surrounded with several boys whom it does not know, those who are in a small green area surrounded with big walls of stone. In the course of the day, the boy knows Chuck (Blake Cooper) and Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) while it is associating to the place. When the night comes, a holiday is realized to celebrate the arrival of the new boy. Newt makes clear to him that for some strange reason, all they were sent to the area from the elevator, which is loaded with provisions and always it brings a new boy every month.
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