Tuesday, 26 January 2016

What's the most intelligent animal?

Student Emma Iniesta Tébar 2BB
Title What's the most intelligent animal?
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What's the most intelligent animal?

Some scientifics did a test to several carnivorous animals, (polar bears, artic foxes, tigers, meerkats, wolfs, hyenas and leopards) to know their common sense and intelligence. Each animal had a time of thirty minutes to reach the food that there was inside of the box. To open it, the animals had to slide a latch (pestillo). 
The results were that bears were the most intelligent animal; they reached the goal almost the 70% of the turns. The less intelligent were the meerkats. In general, the 35% of animals had succeeded (49 animals of 23 species). Curiously, the species with bigger brains in relationship with their body size approved better the problem, while species with a smallest brain didn't. But bigger animals didn't achieve the test so well than smaler ones
The studio also reported that manual dexterity (destreza manual) didn't affect to the results. The result of this test is known as social brain hypothesis. Also, this shows the most developed carnivorous mammal animals. 

Una hiena manchada investiga la caja del experimento



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