Sunday, 21 February 2016

The global warming

Student Isabel Toledo García 2ªBB
Title The global warming
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The global warming is the ramping up of temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans of the Earth what is detected in the present also of his continuous increase in the future.
Glaciers are coming melting, the level of the sea increase, forests are drying and the fauna and the flora fight for follow this rhythm. Increasingly is more evident that humans have caused the most part of the warming of the last century, by the emission of gases that retain the heat, for strengthen our modern life. 
As the Earth spins each day, this new heat turns picking up the humidity of the oceans, increase here, and settled there. It is changing the rhythm of the climate that all living beings we have become accustomed.
You can hear, learn and see more in these several videos;

I hope you liked it!



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